I’m Light Stone

Nice to met you…

In my experience, “healers” don’t heal people — They provide tools and a sacred container so people can heal themselves.

…I’m here to help.

“Together, I’d love to help you forge your own set of protocols that unlock your true human excellence. ” - Light Stone



Breathe. reflect. refine.

“It all starts by Remembering how to breathe Love into our hearts.
Next, we reflect on what may be blocking that connection and learn how to
transform these obstacles into Light.
The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned to grow in
Love and Light.”

“Every breath is a new beginning.”

-Light Stone

The Diamond Paths to Healing

Catalyst Enhanced Coaching and Psychedelic Healing with Light Stone

Your Journey to Self-Realization and Lifelong Healing Begins Here.

At The Stone Protocol, our primary objective is to support you in your journey towards holistic well-being. Whether you choose a single session, a custom tailored multi month plan, or a transformative weekend retreat, we are committed to achieving several objectives for your well-being:

Galactic Akashic Reading Technique

Light Stone has been personally trained by Debbie Solaris in this Arcturian Galatic Akashic Readings Technique and is certified to conduct the most high-quality, comprehensive Galactic Akashic readings available. ET Contactee, Arcturian Starseed, and World Renowned Master Galatic Akashic Records Reader and Teacher Debbie Solaris has not only conducted thousands of Akashic readings for many clients all around the world, but she’s also passed down her Arcturian Teneque and taught hundreds of people her Galactic Akashic Records Reading process to help guide their clients through their star originations and lineage, their galactic soul journeys, past life regression, healing, and re-connecting with their soul gifts and missions.

Light Stone is a seasoned facilitator with a background in Leadership, Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual and Life Coaching, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), and Multidimensional Meditation and Dimensional Shifting. Light Stone is dedicated to spiritual well-being and healing soul integration, and he will expertly guide you throughout this journey of the Akashic Records, providing invaluable tools and insights to address immediate concerns and establish the foundation for your continued growth and healing gleaned from the Akashic Records and your Multidimensional Guides.



Contact Me Directly.

Questions? Please feel free to contact me directly via email. I am here to help you uncover and achieve your full human potential. Together, we can transform your fears into superpowers, enabling you to live a life of connection, love, and light!